Sunday, February 27, 2011

O-Week is now over, and I finally have some free time.  The past week has been an incredible experience.  The week started Saturday night, with learning the King’s College War Chant, but every time someone messed up, we would do pushups/situps/burbies(a jump to pushup thing).  After that, we all had to go make a whirlpool in our pool, then make it change direction.  Not easy when there’s 130 guys in a fairly small pool.  Then we went inside for a bit and were given our “fresher names.”  I became “Autismo,” but I have yet to find out why.  We finally got to bed that night around 1:30. 
Sunday started reeeeeally early, at about 5.  We went on an early morning run around campus, and then came back for breakfast.  After breakfast, we were split into two groups.  My group stayed at King’s, and did an obstacle course around campus including swimming, a slip-n-slide, mud pit, fireman carries, and running.  We did this twice, and the first time we had to carry an empty keg around, and the second we had to carry the keg and a person.  That afternoon, we went to the Australian National Paintball Fields, where we got to play paintball capture the flag.  However, I didn’t bring any money, so I only got to play the first game, and then watch four others.  But that was okay, because it was really hot and humid, so I was alright with sitting in the shade while everyone else ran around exhausting themselves.  That night I forget what we did, but we were up late again, probably learning some other songs or chants or something.  Lots of pushups/situps/burbies.
Monday through Thursday are all kind of mashed together in my head now, so I’m gonna go into a lot less detail.  As the week went on, the “Sirs” (upperclassmen) started to get easier on us, and we did less pushups and more joking around.  We had events with different colleges, including ice skating, bowling, parties, meals, dance lessons, and going to a water park.  All of this was really fun, even though we were still staying up late learning new songs every night, and getting up early to go running. 
Friday was the last day of O-Week, and we got to sleep in until 7.  I never thought I could be so happy about getting up at 7.  That day we went to the beach, with a few other colleges.  Australian beaches are amazing.  It seemed crowded when we first got there, but we had plenty of room to play Frisbee, and when we went into the water there was plenty of space to swim around.  I was only in the water for maybe an hour, because the waves here are so much bigger than anything I’ve seen before.  According to the Australians, they were average sized, but I was exhausted after being thrown to the ocean floor a few times, so I called it a day.  A few of us then went into a restaurant looking over the ocean, and had lunch.  After lunch we found some slot machines. After quickly losing two dollars, I decided gambling wasn’t for me and I left.  That night we had our formal dinner signifying the end of O-Week, which was really fun.  The food has been really good so far, and it was especially good at that dinner. 
So I slept most of the day Saturday, and today I spent a lot of the day shopping for some last minute things to get ready for school tomorrow.  Just one last thing that I’ve wanted to say, but couldn’t figure out how to fit in: We have baked beans and spaghetti for breakfast like, every other day.  One of the weirdest things about Australia so far. 


  1. Glad you survived O-week! I laughed out loud when I read the thing about baked beans for breakfast. In Nicaragua it wasn't a complete meal without beans and rice... breakfast, lunch, dinner... every meal had them, you'll grow to love it :)

  2. ditto. sounds like our kind of breakfast! ha. Better than zebra cakes?

  3. did the whirlpools go the other way?
